The “Great Wall” at the Texas Boot Company in Bastrop!

There’s a “Great Wall” at The Texas Boot Company in Bastrop. But this wall is made in America, and not China. It’s a wall stacked high with 100 styles of Anderson Bean boots. “We have 9 long aisles of boot racks, each 5 rows high, and we’ve kind of outgrown that, so we have them stacked in boxes by style along the side, and folks are now calling it ‘The Great Wall of Bastrop’ smiled Texas Boot Company Owner Marc Conselman
The Anderson Bean, Rios of Mercedes, Olathe, Horse Power retailer is located in Bastrop – a historic Texas crossroads town just outside of Austin. Houston, San Antonio, and Bryan-College Station are all within easy driving distance of Bastrop and the Texas Boot Company, and as they’ve grown their custom boot inventory, the Texas Boot Company has become a destination for folks that appreciate a well-made pair of boots.
Although, the Texas Boot Company is working through the challenges of closing down in-store shopping due to coronavirus epidemic, they are persevering with Texas toughness and ingenuity. Online sales are going at a robust clip with shipments going out across the country. Texas Boot Company is active daily on its social media platforms – they have nearly 400,000 following on Facebook and well over 100,000 on Instagram. What makes Texas Boot Company so popular? “I guess folks just like our boots. We’ve had a lot of fun with the Anderson Bean and Rios designs through the years, and now we’ve really expanded our Olathe and Rios collections, too. We’re even growing our ladies offering,” says Conselman
The store’s national reach with it’s impressive social media following is definitely keeping them busy as folks have turned to more online shopping. The close working relationship it enjoys with Rios of Mercedes Boot Company is vital. Conselman describes it as one filled with collaboration, communication, and a sharing of spiritual and business values. “It starts with the product. They make great boots. You’re going to smile when you put on a pair of Anderson Beans,’’ said Marc Conselman, the owner of The Texas Boot Company. “When I am in the store, and I see someone is about to try on their first pair of Anderson Beans, I stop and watch. I’m looking for the big smile that comes once they realize how comfortable they are!
Conselman recalled the recent announcement of the Houston Livestock Show being cancelled due to COVID-19. “The first call I got was from Ryan Vaughan, the Rios CEO,’’ he said. “Ryan said he would work with us and that we get through this together.’’ It is the sort of commitment and teamwork that Conselman relishes. He recounted stories of the Rios teams from Rios and Texas Boot working together to design new styles and deciding which exotic leathers to utilize. “Rios gives us great feedback,’’ Conselman said. “They guide us as to what they’re seeing in the marketplace along with what our customers are telling us, and it’s just a lot of fun to work with them.’’
The folks at Texas Boot Company are plowing ahead, shipping out dozens of orders everyday during unprecedented crisis which has closed their store and pushed shoppers online
“These are definitely challenging times. A lot of it goes back to faith,’’ Conselman said. “Let’s get through this day and not get overwhelmed. We’ll find the new normal, and for now, we are so grateful that folks still need and want great boots during this crisis.’’