A Walk on the Wild Side…in Boots of Course!

If its one thing that that Rios of Mercedes and Anderson Bean Boots are known for other than being great fitting boots, it’s for the endless variety of hides used to make them. From Warthog, Hippo, Elk Butt, Shark, Zebra, Giraffe, Elephant to Antelope and Whitetail Deer – Anderson Bean and Rios are a virtual zoo.
We interviewed the folks behind the boots of Rios and Anderson Bean to learn just how they come up with such innovative offerings.
Texas Boot Co: So who comes up with all these wild hides? How do you ensure the leather meets your quality specifications?
Trainor Evans: I used to be the one that was always badgering our suppliers to bring us new leathers to increase exotic leather sales. But, now Ryan has taken my previous efforts to a new level. His enthusiasm is contagious, and our suppliers vie with each other to impress him. They say that they like working with Ryan because of his innovative will to try anything, continually pushing to get samples made and in our sales representative hands quickly to judge their potential appeal.
TBC: What are your favorite hides to work with?
Trainor: I have to say Kangaroo simply because it is the only leather I know that is omnidirectional in its stretch. That gives us a leather that will fit anyone, it is not as unique as hippo or ostrich but kangaroo does make a nice dress boot.
Pat: Ostrich, because of the durability and wearability of the hide.
Ryan: Big Bass because it is one of our softest leathers AND looks like no other hide.
TBC: What is something about some of these hides that might be of interest to your customers?
Kangaroo - I had the opportunity to work cattle on an Australian ranch and saw more kangaroos in 3 weeks than jackrabbits in Texas. You haven’t lived until a 5-foot kangaroo jumps out of the grass in front of your horse. I decided then and there that we needed to make footwear out of all of them.
Ostrich - is the only leather that is naturally impervious to barnyard acid (manure and urine) the pen riders in the panhandle prefer smooth ostrich to all other work leathers.
Arapaima (Big Bass) - will get more character as you wear it but I have yet to see it tear or wear through. That is not to say it doesn’t look like it has been in a threshing machine after you wear it for a while. I guess it has the same appeal as the distressed jeans that are so popular.
Giraffe - is an interesting leather, it seems to have the same qualities as horsehide but is considerably more durable.
Hippo - is a favorite with the performance horse trainers and riders. It’s easy to care for with a simple hosing down by a water hose. Then with a little Lexol, it remains soft and supple.
We hope you enjoy reading about our exotic boots from Rios and Anderson Bean as much as we enjoyed designing these boots. Nearly every Rios of Mercedes and Anderson Bean boot we offer are boots that we’ve designed. We select the top color, stitch pattern, and each color of each row of stitching to create distinctive looks that can’t be found anywhere else!